I decided to keep the message inside the card short. I wrote, "you've received this because in some way you've shown me a kindness and I appreciate it. You don't have to do anything, but if you can, will you pay this kindness forward? Thank you, Michelle."
I had quite a few errands to run today, so I left with a feeling of excitement. Would I give one out today? Several? None? Would I just know when it would be the right time? My mind was swirling!
The first two stops I made, nothing. Then I went to Nino Salvaggio's a local gourmet fruit market. I had almost forgotten by this point. There was a young man, an employee by the cheesecake. Yes, I still love cheesecake. We chatted for a moment. He was engaging, polite and kind. I got so excited! I thanked him and pulled an envelope from my purse. I told him he made my day. He had a big smile on his face as he accepted the envelope and thanked me. I moved on toward the checkout, wondering about him opening it. Would he tell anyone? Would he pay it forward? No idea! But I have faith in the human race and think most who I give them to will follow through.
That was really fun! Who will I encounter for #2? I'm looking forward to the adventure!
I'm excited to hear who the next person will be! Very thoughtful idea. People are so quick to complain or criticize but not to say "Thanks". I bet you made his day!